After registering a blood alcohol level well over the legal limit, the man ran onto the road and picked up a live snake. 对这名男子进行测试后发现,此人血液中的酒精含量已超出法律规定上限,但就在此时,他却突然跑向道路中央并从地上捡起一条活蛇。
Sugar is added to the wine during fermentation to increase the alcohol level. 发酵时在葡萄酒里加糖以提高酒精浓度。
Test someone's alcohol level in his blood by means of a breathalyzer. 用检查呼吸的手段测验一下某人血液中的酒精指标。
Drunk driver ( a driver whose alcohol level exceeds the legal limit) and 饮酒过量的司机(其酒精含量超过法定限度的司机)与
New World Country: Grape Variety, Winery, Vintage, Alcohol Level, Net Volume 新世界:葡萄品种、酿酒商、年份、酒精含量、净含量
Research shows that your blood alcohol level is most effected on the day before their cycle begins, and is lowest the first day of menstruation. 研究表明,你的血液酒精含量在周期开始前一天作用最明显,而在月经期第一天作用最低。
Elaborate priority areas and implementation plans for reducing the harmful use of alcohol at the global level; 确定在全球范围内减少有害使用酒精的重点领域和实施计划;
You can add your own pictures, compute your blood alcohol level, and get tips from bartenders. 你能够加你的自己的画,计算你的血液酒精水平,和从酒吧间男招待得到秘诀。
From the medicolegal standpoint the alcohol level is relevant in cases of sudden death, accidents while driving, and in cases when drunkenness is the defense plea. 从法医学的观点来看,酒精含量在突然死亡、驾驶事故以及有关以喝醉酒作为防卫性辩解等案件中是至关重要的。
The co-digestion on WAS and alcohol draff reached the reuse level of waste, which provided the basic experimental data for industrial application of anaerobic digestion on WAS. 城市剩余污泥和当地酒精厂工业废料酒精糟液共厌氧达到了废物利用的功效,为城市剩余污泥的工业化应用提供了依据。
Her blood alcohol level was well below the legal limit. 她的血酒精指标远低于法定限制。
Police say his blood alcohol level still measured three and a half times the legal limit. 警方表示他血液中的酒精含量是法律规定的三倍半。
She had a blood alcohol level just above legal. 她血中酒精含量刚刚超标。
Old World Country: Appellation, Classification, Name of the Wine, Winery, Vintage, Alcohol Level, Net Volume 旧世界:产地、分级、酒名、酿酒商、年份、酒精含量、净含量
Li was brought to the police office, where a breath test showed his blood alcohol level was almost double the legal limit. 李被带到警察局,酒精测试结果表明他血液的酒精浓度几乎是法定限度的两倍。
Tox screen showed an elevated blood alcohol level. 血液毒素分析显示血液中酒精含量偏高。
ALERT ( Alcohol Level Evaluation Roadside Test) Titrate the mixed solution with ethanol solution of acetic acid. 路边酒精浓度鉴定试验用乙酸的乙醇溶液滴定溶液的碱浓度。
If your alcohol level in you blood is higher than permitted, you will be revoked your driver licence. 如果血液中,你的酒精超标,那么你的驾照将被吊销。
Reports indicate she had a0.16 blood alcohol level and admitted to drinking at least six alcoholic drinks. 报告显示,她血液中的酒精含量高达0.16并且她也承认喝下了六瓶以上的酒。
This included a breathalyzer test, which revealed that he had a.18 blood alcohol level, more than double the legal limit for driving. 其中的呼吸测试显示他的血液酒精度是.18。这个数字是法律允许驾驶范围的两倍。
The experimental results show that the alcohol injection point should start at proper level to engine load, which is approximately 60%~ 70% of the maximum torque at one engine speed. 研究表明在组合燃烧喷醇发动机中最佳喷醇的负荷起点为某一转速下的最大扭矩的60%~70%;
Results: The onion's extraction both from water and alcohol can significantly reduce the level of cholesterol and triglyceride. 结果:洋葱水提物和醇提物均具有显著的降低胆固醇、甘油三脂的效果。
In Logistic regression analysis, the factors including annual alcohol consumption, employee, education level, marriage, sex, age, family income entry the equation for alcohol dependence continuously. 经济收入对酒依赖的影响退居次席。Logistic回归分析年饮酒量、职业、受教育年限、婚姻、性别、年龄、经济收入等因素都相继进入酒依赖的回归方程。
The result of Logistic regression shows the effect factors of smoking are sex, race, grade, profession, knowledge level of related to tobacco, age of trying smoking, whether alcohol and how, living expenses level and father whether smoke cigarette. Logistic回归分析显示影响大学生吸烟的因素有:性别、民族、年级、专业、烟草相关知识水平、尝试吸烟年龄、是否饮酒及饮酒量、生活费水平和父亲是否吸烟。
A foreign epidemiological survey found that alcohol level and type 2 diabetes prevalence rate have a "U"-typed relation. 国外的一项流行病学调查发现:饮酒量与2型糖尿病患病率呈U型相关。
Alcohol may cause a increased blood prolactin level by stimulating the pituitary hyperplasia. 酒精可能通过刺激垂体增生,使得血泌乳素水平升高。
Adhering to the philosophy of applying project management to break down and combine the object, firstly analyze and assess the risk of raw and auxiliary materials, particularly the diesel and alcohol which having high hazardous level. 运用项目管理分解、组合的基本思想,首先从生产原辅料入手,分析评价其风险,对其中危险程度较高的柴油、乙醇进行深入分析评价。